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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Conroe: The New Gaming CPU?

I know this is a bit off topic from the genre of the blog, but it seems highly related to gaming. Intel just announced Conroe, a dual core 65 nm CPU, which will be available at Q3 2006. Head over to AnandTech's first benchmark of the CPU and AMD's FX-60. The result? Intel kicked AMD's butt big time, especially in gaming! I'm not talking 10-15 fps difference, but 30-40 fps!

However, one thing sounds fishy to me. Both Intel and AMD rigs are PROVIDED by Intel, not AnandTech. Now that's gonna steal the thunder, isn't it? I think AT is excellent enough in preparing the benchmarking rigs of their own and being neutral to both parties. I saw many forumers questioned this part of the Intel's story.

I still wonder if this can also be considered as AGEIA's PhysX killer!

Expect to see some serious price cuts from AMD (haven't seen that for quite some time here!).

Exptect to see premium pricing from Intel again.

I don't think Socket AM2 could close the gap that much.

CPU war is heating up again...


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