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Thursday, July 13, 2006

PowerLogic Atrix 5000 manual..

This is the first entry since I last updated the blog about 4 months ago ( due to other commitment).

With reference to the review of the casing in earlier post, here I provide the manual for PowerLogic Atrix 5000 casing, after a valiant effort in recovering the manual (it's a piece of paper actually, not a booklet). I have been asked by a few readers who are interested in this casing (look at the comment section for this casing's entry), and I have to admit that I'm surprised this product attracted quite a few attention (reason: low cost, maybe!).

Anyway, here it is. I've scanned the manual and splitted them into two images. Download both images from my Flickr and preferably select the largest size possible to get better clarity. Beware that each file might size up to 2 MB. If you notice, the beginning of the second image is the last few info from the first image, so that you'll know that you don't miss any information.

If you like the biggest size for the image, please email me and I will send a zip file containing the images for you.

Atrix 5000 manual1

Atrix 5000 manual2