Photos by Banjarconverto on Buzznet

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Far Cry HDR galore!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Far Cry HDR benchmark!

I know this is kinda old....

As I've mentioned before, I am about to benchmark my system against Far Cry running with HDR turned on. Using the built in benchmark demo: Research, Regulator, Training and Volcano, the benchmark procedures are simplified using a batch file which contains these lines of instructions:

echo Running FarCry Benchmark, 1280x1024, SM3.0 Path

echo Running Research script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map research" "demo research"

echo Running Regulator script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map regulator" "demo regulator"

echo Running Training script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map training" "demo training"

echo Running Volcano script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map volcano" "demo volcano"

START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\research\research.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\regulator\regulator.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\training\training.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\volcano\volcano.log

Thanks to various websites that explain the details about benchmarking Far Cry.

The batch file will be located inside Far Cry main installation folder.

All in-game settings (graphics) are maxed out at resolution 1280x1024, "application-controlled"
options are selected in the driver setting and VSync turned off. The demo will be run two times to get better average framerates.

Here are the results:

Research : 104.7 fps
Regulator : 83.5 fps
Training : 92.5 fps
Volcano : 100.9 fps

Well, those numbers confirms my observation before. This isn't Quake 3 Arena times anymore, where one would fond over having 300++ fps fragging madness . The framerates that I got above are very satisfying indeed. For a moment, I feel thankful that my 7800 GT is here empowering my gaming life.

Sometimes, it's good to make a visit to some good ol' games.

Far Cry in HDR

I have been looking at the latest news and benchmarks around the latests graphics card around recently and one particular thing struck me. In most benchmarks that I saw, Far Cry is still being used. Interesting as the game is almost 3 years old. And then I have an idea: why don't I make a revisit to this game, to play it for the second time. However, this time around, I want to enable HDR!

The first time I played the game, my PC was only powered by Athlon XP 1700+ Palomino, 512 MB MB RAM, and graphically not-so-powerful Radeon 9800 SE softmodded to 8-pixel pipelines! The experience was relatively 'wow' although I was probably stuck under 40+ fps in 800x600 res! (I didn't benchmark it AFAICR!)

So, I set up Far Cry with default installation and patch it up to version 1.32, which I think is already sufficient to enable HDR with certain graphical bugfixes applied. Furthermore, I don't play on online server so patch 1.33 and 1.4 are not so important to me.

I maxed out all graphical settings and set the resolution at 1280x1024 (my LCD maxed out at that res!). I set AF level in the driver setting at 16X.

As I was quite impatient, I just took a few snapshots during the early stage of the game comparing Far Cry with and without HDR. To be frank, it's not gonna be a serious Far Cry gaming this time. I think I just want to enjoy the scenery while fragging a bit!

So, here are those screenshots:

Without HDR

With HDR

Without HDR

With HDR

Without HDR

With HDR

Without HDR

With HDR

Without HDR

With HDR

The result is certainly breathtaking! Far Cry HDR is totally impressive in graphics which makes this second visit worth every second of it. There are definitely a lot of corrections in lighting (for example, check the first two pictures!) and the realism is lifted significantly.

I used FRAPS to take the shots and I noticed that for early benchmarks, my framerates never fall below 80 while averaging about 90+ fps. However, I will post the actual benchmark later on.

Stay tuned as more pictures of Far Cry in HDR will be posted!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Need For Speed : Pro Street

On 31th May, EA announced the next release in the ever popular Need For Speed series ; named Pro Street. It will be available in November 2007(usual time of release for NFS series) on PC and major consoles.

Pro Street will bring a new breath of pure racing attitude to the gamers, reflecting the scenarios happening in the street legal racing. Yes, Pro Street will stay away from Fast And Furious style of racing and enter a much more realistic racing atmosphere. With that, Pro Street will also feature an almost 'sim-like' racing experience.

There are 3 major attracting points to Pro Street : DAMAGE, PHYSICS and SMOKE. Pro Street will feature 3 levels of damage which can effect your racing and is not limited to just visual damage only. The damage is also extended to the point where you might have to retire from a racing due to your car being totaled.

Physics in Pro Street is heavily lifted from the previous NFS series, up to the point where one might think that this is not an arcade racing game anymore. Where all driving assists are off, all that left are you and your car where your driving skills will determine whether you will cross the finish line or not. However, turning the driving assists on will return you to the arcade-like driving style, back to ol' NFS spirit.

One particular aspect that has been improved in Pro Street is the simulation of smoke. While one might argue this, the smoke realism will add to the adrenaline rush required by the game. There are swirling clouds of smoke engulfing your car and the area around you just like you see at the drag strip and the burnout competitions.

Another addition is the return of AutoSculpt and Dyno which have been improved greatly. Every changes you make to the car, either physically or visually will directly IMPACT the performance of your car. The inclusion of wind tunnel test with real-time physics demonstrate how Pro Street has gone very serious this time around.

Developed by the team which developed Most Wanted before, it is expected that Pro Street will mark another great addition to the Need For Speed series.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Look at this!

Enjoy the beauty of greenish tropical jungle floor.. taken by a digital camera.......


Fall '07.