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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Far Cry HDR benchmark!

I know this is kinda old....

As I've mentioned before, I am about to benchmark my system against Far Cry running with HDR turned on. Using the built in benchmark demo: Research, Regulator, Training and Volcano, the benchmark procedures are simplified using a batch file which contains these lines of instructions:

echo Running FarCry Benchmark, 1280x1024, SM3.0 Path

echo Running Research script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map research" "demo research"

echo Running Regulator script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map regulator" "demo regulator"

echo Running Training script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map training" "demo training"

echo Running Volcano script
Bin32\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1"
"r_sm30path 1" "#r_Width=1280" "#r_Height=1024" "map volcano" "demo volcano"

START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\research\research.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\regulator\regulator.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\training\training.log
START /WAIT notepad.exe levels\volcano\volcano.log

Thanks to various websites that explain the details about benchmarking Far Cry.

The batch file will be located inside Far Cry main installation folder.

All in-game settings (graphics) are maxed out at resolution 1280x1024, "application-controlled"
options are selected in the driver setting and VSync turned off. The demo will be run two times to get better average framerates.

Here are the results:

Research : 104.7 fps
Regulator : 83.5 fps
Training : 92.5 fps
Volcano : 100.9 fps

Well, those numbers confirms my observation before. This isn't Quake 3 Arena times anymore, where one would fond over having 300++ fps fragging madness . The framerates that I got above are very satisfying indeed. For a moment, I feel thankful that my 7800 GT is here empowering my gaming life.

Sometimes, it's good to make a visit to some good ol' games.


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